
Choirs Pesto Braided Knot


  • 3750 g - 37.5% Wholemeal
  • 3750 g - 37.5% Flour (High-protein)
  • 2500 g - 25% Vitason Korenmout (wheat malt) 25%
  • 200 g - 2% Fresh Yeast
  • 200 g - 2% Pesto
  • 6500 g - 65% Water approx.

Working method

  • Mix all ingredients in to a smooth and well developed dough
  • Dough temperature: approx. 26ºC
  • Scale: Dough pieces approx. 475 gram and rounding
  • Dough proof: Approx. 50 minutes
  • Total approx. 75 minutes. After 60 minutes turn the Oberlander bowls and place the dough pieces on a with rice flour prepared inserter
  • Baking: Approx. 30 minutes at 240ºC with steam
  • Mould with the baguette machine. Roll it and form a knot in the dough piece. Turn the dough upside down and sprinkle with rye flour and let it rise in an Oberlander bowl
Raw material cost indication: 0,42 / pc.