
Muesli Nuts Buns


  • 3750 g - 37.5% Wholemeal
  • 3750 g - 37.5% Flour
  • 2500 g - 25% Vitason Korenmout (wheat malt) 25%
  • 700 g - 7% Fresh Yeast
  • 300 g - 3% Sonplus Bruin (Brown)
  • 5700 g - 57% Water approx.


  • 2000 g - 20% Nuts (burnished)
  • 2000 g - 20% Mix Tropical
  • 2000 g - 20% Raisins


  • 500 g - 5% Sonvlokken

Working method

  • Knead all ingredients into a smooth and well developed dough. After kneading directly put mix filling in
  • Dough temperature: approx. 26ºC
  • Scale: approx. 2000 gram (30 pieces)
  • Dough proof: Approx. 10 minutes
  • Divide and round up. Decorate with Sonvlokken and place the dough pieces on baking sheets
  • Final proof: Approx. 70 minutes
  • Baking: approx. 10 minutes at 230ºC with a little bit steam
For better softness in the baked product, we recommend to wash again delivered raisins/currants and soak them briefly