
Pumpkin Loaf - VitaSon Pumpkin


  • 5000 g - 50% Flour (high protein)
  • 5000 g - 50% VitaSon Pumpkin (Pompoen) 50%
  • 200 g - 2% Fresh Yeast
  • 5800 g - 58% Water approx.

Working method

  • Knead all ingredients into a smooth and well developed dough
  • Dough temperature: approx. 26ºC
  • Bulk proof: Approx. 40 minutes
  • Scale: Approx. 700 grams
  • Mould dough pieces into a stump pointed model and place them between blankets with the closure upside
  • Final proof: Approx. 60 minutes
  • Turn over the proofed dough pieces carefully and place them on a with rice flour prepared inserter or baking sheet. Incise slightly in length, possibly cut once again slightly oblique below the dough skin
  • Insert at 230ºC and bake approx. 35 minutes at 220ºC