
Watery Rolls (Hungary)


  • 10000 g - 100% Flour
  • 400-500 g - 4-5% Fresh Yeast
  • 5300-5800 g - 53-58% Water approx.

Working method

  • Mix all ingredients into smooth and a well developed dough
  • Dough temperature: approx. 25-30ºC
  • Scale: approx. 2100 grams (30 pieces)
  • Dough proof: Approx. 5-20 minutes
  • Divide and round up Mould into fingerbreads (see photo) and place the dough pieces on baking sheets
  • Final proof: Approx. 60-80 minutes
  • Baking: approx. 10-15 minutes at 240-260ºC