
Butter Wheel


  • 10000 g - 100% Flour
  • 1000 g - 10% QS Vruchten Geel (Fruit Bread)
  • 400 g - 4% Fresh Yeast
  • 200 g - 2% Sonplus Krokant Extra (Crispy)
  • 150 g - 1.5% Salt
  • 6800 g - 68% Water approx.


  • 2000 g - 20% Sugar Nibs P2


  • 500 g - 5% Butter (diced)
  • 500 g - 5% Sugar Nibs P2

Working method

  • Mix all ingredients into a smooth and well developed dough After kneading directly mix filling in
  • Dough temperature: approx. 27ºC
  • Scale: Dough pieces approx. 350 grams and rounding
  • Dough proof: Approx. 20 minutes
  • Roll the dough pieces into round slice of approx. Ø 20 cm
  • Final proof: Approx. 45 minutes
  • Just before baking stab each dough piece 6-8 times (see photo) Brush with egg wash and sprinkle the diced butter and sugar nibs into each notch
  • Baking: Approx. 14 minutes at 240ºC
Indicatie grondstofkostprijs: € 0,29 | Deeg is ook toepasbaar voor baguette, petit pain en fantasie modellen.