
Granary Crispy Rolls


  • 8500 g - 85% Flour
  • 180 g - 1.8% Salt
  • 400 g - 4% Yeast
  • 300 g - 3% Sonplus Krokant Extra (Crispy)
  • 5700 g - 57% Water approx.
  • 1500 g - 15% Granary
  • 1500 g - 15% Water to soak Granary

Working method

  • Soak the granary for approx. 30 minutes with lukewarm water before kneading
  • Mix all ingredients into a well developed dough
  • Dough temperature: Approx. 26°C
  • Scale: Approx. 1800 grams for 30 pieces
  • Bowl proof: Approx. 20 minutes
  • Divide and round up to create rolls
  • Final proof: Approx. 60 minutes
  • Eventual cut the rolls in longitudinal before baking
  • Baking: Approx. 20 minutes at 240°C, with some steam